If Geeko kit and accessories you purchased were sent from China, usually we have already installed the accessories for you, you just need to connect the cable for the accessory. Please skip this section.
If Geeko kit and accessories were sent from EU warehouse, or you have been using the Geeko kit for some time and want to extend the accessories for the Geeko, such as head light, rear light, handlebar display, or phone holder with USB charger. In the above cases, you need to extend the cables for the Geeko bracket controller by yourself. Don’t worry, this job is easy.
Please note that keep the battery unattached to the controller throughout the process of expanding the accessory.
1. Remove the bracket controller
1.1 Disconnect all cable connections from the controller, such as motor cable, throttle cable, etc.
1.2 Remove the bracket controller from the bike by loosening the two screws on the controller with an allen wrench.
2. Disassemble the controller
2.1 Remove the 5 silicone plugs from the bottom of the stand controller with a needle or other sharp tool.
2.2 Loosen 5 screws with a Phillips screwdriver.
2.3 Separate the bracket controller into bracket part and aluminum part.
3. Install accessory cables for controllers
We have two versions of controller circuits and the plug definition are shown below respectively.
3.1 Plug the accessory cable into the corresponding socket.
3.2 Loosen the screws of the iron tab that hold the cable in place, put the accessory cable under the iron tab, and then lock the screws.
4. Assemble the bracket controller
4.1 Fix the bracket part and aluminum part of the bracket controller with 5 screws.
4.2 Plug the silicone plug into the 5 screw holes.
5. Install the bracket controller to the bike
5.1 Fix the bracket controller to the bike with 2 screws.
5.2 Arrow to arrow, connect all cables of the controller, including the newly extended accessories.